Monday, March 2, 2009

news perrsons SUCK!

Dear Friends, I was watching some important vieos when I came upon this one.WHEEEEEEEEHOOOOOOOOOO>>>C'mon we all know it doesn't it make you sick when you flip on the news and there's this guy or girl newsperson going on about the murders and killings in Iraq or Kuwait or downtown Detroit.....Motor CityMadhouse,motor City Madhouse, Motorcity madhouse...I guess i'll try to get next to myself..............whoa wait a minute . Off the subject I always seem to get carried away.ok ,now these newspersons wherever they dig them up sit ther staring away into the camera with these stupid smirks on their faces whichIIIIII.....personaly would love to catch them in a street some wheree and smack those smirks off their faces with a tire iron.HooooooooHoooooooooHooooooooeoeeeeeee!All of us know we don't really watch the news anymore because it depressses us so much you want to throw yourself off the f#*^#*!!!!! top of the renassance center .There is enough cruelty and angst in this flipped out world.I mean cmon ,even i can get released from nut house which just proves my point .And the Point is --Like my mother always told me if you don't have something good to tell people.To bring them up out of their basements like in my case.To try to make a fellow human being feel good about him or her self!Then just shut the F**#! UP.The way things are is bad enough.I mean look at me.I'm not predjudice.I don't mean to hate or dislike anyone even though i can' be let off my leash.Because if someone did let me out of my cage .WHoaaaaaaahhhhh,I'd drag these newsman by their heels out of thier fancy studios and hang em by the nuts fron the Ambassador Bridge!Although I dont believe in violence I believe in justice heeeeeeeheeeeeeeeeeeee.......of course this is coming from a man teetering on the edge!So anyway what do you think?

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